Using the console
Viewing available commands
To see a list of the available commands in the console press the <tab> key at the prompt.
root@root> Display all 182 possibilities? (y or n)
*:help addurl admin:change-opts
admin:change-rmi-registry-port admin:change-ssh-port admin:connect
admin:create admin:destroy admin:list
admin:rename admin:start admin:stop
bundle-level cancel cat
change-opts change-rmi-registry-port change-ssh-port
clear commandlist config:cancel
config:edit config:list config:propappend
config:propdel config:proplist config:propset
config:update connect create
create-dump destroy dev:create-dump
dev:dynamic-import dev:framework dev:print-stack-traces
dev:restart dev:show-tree dev:watch
display display-exception dynamic-import
each echo edit
exec exports features:addurl
features:info features:install features:list
features:listrepositories features:listurl features:listversions
features:refreshurl features:removerepository features:removeurl
features:uninstall framework get
grep head headers
help history if
imports info install
jaas:cancel jaas:commandlist jaas:list
jaas:manage jaas:roleadd jaas:roledel
jaas:update jaas:useradd jaas:userdel
jaas:userlist java list
listrepositories listurl listversions
log:clear log:display log:display-exception
log:get log:set log:tail
logout ls manage
more new osgi:bundle-level
osgi:headers osgi:info osgi:install
osgi:list osgi:ls osgi:refresh
osgi:resolve osgi:restart osgi:shutdown
osgi:start osgi:start-level osgi:stop
osgi:uninstall osgi:update packages:exports
packages:imports print-stack-traces printf
propappend propdel proplist
propset refresh refreshurl
removerepository removeurl rename
resolve restart roleadd
roledel set shell:cat
shell:clear shell:each shell:echo
shell:exec shell:grep shell:head
shell:history shell:if shell:info
shell:java shell:logout shell:more
shell:new shell:printf shell:sleep
shell:sort shell:tac shell:tail
show-tree shutdown sleep
sort ssh ssh:ssh
ssh:sshd sshd start
start-level stop tac
tail uninstall update
useradd userdel userlist
The <tab> key toggles autocompletion anywhere on the line, so if you want to see the commands in the osgi group, type the first letters and hit <tab>. Depending on the commands, autocompletion may be available for options and arguments too.
Getting help for a command
To view help on a particular command, type the command followed by --help or use the help command followed by the name of the command:
karaf@root> features:list --help
Lists all existing features available from the defined repositories.
features:list [options]
Display this help message
-i, --installed
Display a list of all installed features only
The list of all available commands and their usage is also available in a dedicated section.
You'll find a more in-depth guide to the shell syntax in the developers guide.
The console can also be easily extended by creating new commands as explained in the developers guide.